We are so excited to share our NEW Collection of Early Readers with you all!
Ava & Cat Readers were inspired by our family cat and the special relationship she and our children share. Mrs Potts was a beautiful stray that decided to call us home. The readers are adorable and filled with fun stories, humour and Cat's BIG personality.

The package includes a large instant download collection of Montessori Early Reading Print Materials to help your child get started on their reading journey.
These readers are for any family and child who is beginning their journey to read. The materials are fully explained and give detailed instructions as to how to prepare and create the activities for your child.
The materials are all Montessori inspired, as are the books. You however do not need to know anything about Montessori to use this package! This is a fun engaging and completely interactive beginner reading experience.
What's in the Package?
In the Mail
Our 3 Level Set of 11 Readers
Phonetic Words! Words that can be sounded out, also known as CVC or consonant vowel consonant words. This set is filled with high frequency sight words that are invaluable to help your child progress to reading simple sentences.
Blends! This set of books with help your child practice reading and blending letter sounds, along side new sight words.
Phonograms! These are words that are non phonetic, or meaning that they cannot be sounded phonetically by the look of each letter. These are special sounds that are retained by your child with practice in reading.
Beginner Readers and Materials are designed to help give your child the tools they need to understand the process of decoding words and language. Fluency develops with your child over years of reading and practice, as does spelling. This package will also help your child to understand the basic fundamentals for spelling and writing.
The detail of illustrations, detail and length of sentences increase with each level and book.
Your Readers and Solid Maple Hand Turned figures that are paint ready, come to you in a natural cotton carry bag. The bag can also be used for mystery words.
In your download package of materials you will find a large collection of reading cards that can be used on their own but they also were designed to accompany each of your books. You will find a list of cards that correspond with each book in this document.
Pre-reading Package
This package series includes three different materials! These activities are the beginning of your child's journey to read. Generally these activities are used in the order below, but completely dependant on the needs of your child.
Early puzzles do many amazing things for your child. They are included as a pre-reading activity, because your child will be visually evaluating the images on the cards, taking in the details, textures, shapes, and lines that create each image. They will also gain fine motor refinement, in moving, aligning, and piecing the images together. These are all valuable skills that later translate into the skills of symbol and letter recognition.
Simple two piece puzzles were a huge favourite of our children when they were very young.
Our children began using puzzles like this around 18mths - two years of age. This will completely depend on your child.
In addition to using as a traditional puzzle, you can also use the puzzles for matching.
Print two sheets and leave one uncut for a matching mat.
What Goes Together?
What goes together is a matching concept game that develops the skills of recognition, logic and reasoning.
Your child will match the cards visually by the relationships and associations that the objects share.
This is great fun game to play with your child while talking about the uses of the objects, and where they may be found in effort to make these connections.
The cards can also be used to create stories.
Story Sequencing
Story Sequencing Cards help your child to visually practice laying out a logical sequence of events.
The cards begin with three smaller story sets for your child to order in sequence.
You can sort the cards and work with one set at a time to start. Later your child may wish to sort and order more than one set at a time.
We had great fun with this activity while chatting about the story and events that may have been taking place.
Perhaps getting ready to go on a trip!
Alphabet Sound Cards
This is a beautiful, full colour set of Alphabet Image Cards. The images on these cards represent the initial or beginning sound for each letter of the alphabet.
Letter sound learning is your child’s gateway to reading. Pairing image cards with your Sandpaper letters is an incredibly visual hands on way for your child to retain and explore letter sounds while learning to write letters simultaneously.
This file contains four images per letter. These images can be used to create sound baskets for your child.
Letter Tracing Cards or Sandpaper Letters ( you can choose the back ground colour you like best)
Montessori Printable Letter Tracing Cards (also known as Sandpaper Letters).
For those who may not be familiar with Sandpaper Letters, this is a set of alphabet letter cards that are organized right side up into a box or container.
The traditional wooden letters have a thin coat of sand on the letters themselves. These cards will help with writing preparation, but also to help your child to learn letter sounds. Each letter is presented to your child demonstrating the formation of each letter by finger tracing. This practice helps them to retain the early muscle memory and coordination to form each letter. After tracing your child can practice the formation in a sand/salt tray. You can fill a small tray or even a pie plate with salt (the easiest to find and work with) in a tray.
Full instructions and activity ideas are included with your letters.
Package Includes:
Large Pink & Blue or Red & Blue Vowel Sandpaper Letters in Upper and Lower Case
Large Pink & Blue or Red & Blue Vowel Sandpaper Letters in Upper and Lower Case
Black line Upper and Lower Case to print on Coloured Stock.
43 Blends Blue Series Blends in black line and also blue background
Phonograms Green Series
Moveable Alphabet ( you can choose the colours that you like best)
For those who may not be familiar with the Moveable Alphabet, this is typically a box of wooden or printed letters of the alphabet that are organized right side up into a box. There are various reasons for this. Your child will benefit from the organization of the box, in that that they will become familiar with alphabetic order as they use the box. They will always see the letters in right side up form, thus helping to visually recollect letters and formation more readily. They will use the box to create words without needing to write as yet, thus placing all of the focus on the letters and sounds. We often work on the floor on a little mat, or at a table.
Print, laminate (if you wish) and cut out the moveable alphabet cards.
There are many plastic organizer containers available from discount retailers to organize and store your letters. If you’re adventurous you could also make a box. Collect the images or objects for spelling. We began with CVC or phonetic words.
File Includes:
Pink & Blue
Red & Blue
Pink & Blue
Red & Blue
Phonetic 3 Part Cards
This is a set of full colour beautiful 3 Part Image and label cards for use when your child is ready to begin sounding and reading 3 letter CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words.
These cards focus on short vowel sounds.
Vowels will be blue and consonants are red. This places subtle focus on learning to visually identify vowels.
This set is wonderful to work with after your child has worked with Alphabet Sound Image Cards (or objects) for letter sound learning.
Word Lists
This is a beautiful set of CVC (consonant vowel consonant) Phonetic Word Reading Lists. The words in this set focus on short vowel sounds.
These lists can follow your Phonetic 3 Part Cards.
As your child continues to practice decoding sounds it is helpful to create a variety of materials to work with.
Your child can practice reading the words on their lists. They can even write the words on their lists in a language, journal, sand/salt tray, or chalk board if they choose. Our children often loved to write out the words they were working with, others may not wish to write any of the words and this is completely OK, because the focus right now is to have fun decoding letters and sounds.
Your child may discover rhyming words and word families while reading their lists.
This is always a fun moment!
Sentence Reading & Tracing Strips
Your child may wish to try reading and practising a few phonetically sounded words in short sentences. This reading activity usually happens after your child has worked with the Phonetic Word Lists.
Phonetically sounded simply means that all words in the sentences can be completely decoded by sounding the words out.
You child can practice reading and writing the letters in your sentences with our sentence tracing strips that are included. These strips can be laminated and used with dry erase markers.
Your child may or may not wish to write the sentences. If not that’s OK, because the main focus is to practice reading and decoding words. This is a great time to have conversations about the definition of a sentence and a phrase.
Sight Word Cards for our books
Word cards are a great way to practice reading new sounds and words. You can also add a selection of your words to a mystery word bag.
Each level contain high frequency Sight Words.
Level One
Phonetic Words
Level Two
Letter Blends
Level Three
Non Phonetic Words & Silent Letters
Print and laminate (lamination is optional) your cards for durability.
**Material Prep Tip** Select the pages you wish to print to save ink. Print and prepare your materials as you need them, or all at once, do what works for you and your child.
Most importantly... enjoy!
This has been such an exciting project for us as a family. We produce, publish and create the Ava & Cat Books and Figures in house!
You can find them here!
You can find them here!
We hope you enjoy them as much as we have💕
Cherine I absolutely love this book series. They are funny and beautifully illustrated. I will be buying three sets for gifts!!
That's wonderful thank you!! The books were such a pleasure to create <3
DeleteI would like to order these books please advise the cost