Dinosaur Fossil Sand Molds, Fossil Fun In The Sand Box For Kids

We have a huge thing for dino fossils at our house. so this find was very exciting.

I was at the grocery store today and spotted these dino fossil sand molds for .79 cents!!
We are going to try and pour them with plaster, and paint them.
How cool!

So far they have not made it past the sand box!

So fun and exciting!

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  1. Amazing find! My boys would love this! Good luck with your plaster molds.

  2. What product did you use for your molds? Is plaster of paris a name brand? I'm worried about not being able to pop the plastic out of my mold without cracking it and it's the only mold I have. Any advice as to which products to use

    1. The plaster we use is a quick set kind in what looks like a milk carton from Home Depot. We did not have issues with it. Perhaps you could line it with plastic wrap first and then turn it out?? I hope that helps:) Good luck with it!!


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